Is Premarital Sex a Sin? Bible Scholars Respond

Is Premarital Sex a Sin? Bible Scholars Respond

What’s clear is that fornication covers all sexual sins in the old testament yet sex before marriage isn’t one of them. No where in the new testament sex before marriage is added to it. The French author Michel Houellebecq comments “It is interesting to note that the ‘sexual revolution’ was sometimes portrayed as a communal utopia, whereas in fact it was simply another stage in the historical rise of individualism.

Paul says that this is a grievous sin, one that even the non-Christians would not even think of doing. Explore the physical relationship before getting married to anyone. I did a brief preliminary digging and could find anything that really said you couldn’t, so since the bible has really been combed through they should have presented their best verses first and I figured if they had then I could stop digging. I actually think you’ve got the correct idea.

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The Bible tells us that everything not prohibited in the Bible is permissible, but not all things are for our best. For couples, when it comes to oral sex, if it’s helpful in your relationship, do it as often as you like. If it causes one person discomfort or trauma or anything of that nature, you shouldn’t do it. There are plenty of teens who are successfully steered away from premarital sex. They then, however, immediately show off their innate potentials to be excellent lawyers later in life as they begin trying to force parents and pastors to define exactly what “sexual immorality” entails.

The fact is that for whatever reason, God, Jesus, Moses, and the Men who compiled the Bible, forgot to specifically list pre-marital sex as a sin in and of itself. Which implies that two “FREE” humans man and woman (or to be biblically accurate man and as many unrelated of age women as you can find & affored) can have consensual sex outside of a marriage and it is honestly no ones business but their own. This may not be read, but the use of Hebrew words and Greek words. In the OT it does not appear that pre-martial sex was condemned or that there is no mention in the verse of a person who was caught in the act of pre-martial sex ( with a non-betrothed virgin ) as having to offer a guilt offering. So it is clear that they had to marry by paying a dowry as any one else did who was marrying.

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It’s one way we’re different from the other religions. Then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days. But the selfish genes don’t know about modern sensibilities, or Christianity, or contraceptives, or DNA tests. They are very subtle after their fashion but absurdly out of date. They can’t inspire or tempt us to propagate them optimally under modern conditions. They feed us instincts suitable for the Stone Age, and reason and religion cannot erase the influence of instinct on most people’s behavior.

Is God supposed to be married here to two sisters, Israel and Judah, and to have divorced one but not the other? But surely God can’t be married to two wives in the marriage metaphor, that would just be silly, and Israel and Judah are, in terms of the Covenant, the same, because although the kingdoms may have split, the Covenant was with the whole people. So I’d say while it may at first look lend weight to your claim, it’s not entirely clear there isn’t something else going on. And once you make it so that cohabiting means you acquire obligations then you run into the problem that some people don’t want those obligations.

Sex before the public marriage ceremony was normal in the Anglican Church until the Hardwicke Marriage Act of 1753, which for the first time required all marriages in England and Wales occur in their parish church. (The law also applied to Catholics, but Jews and Quakers were exempt.) Before its enactment couples lived and slept together after their betrothal or "the spousals", which was considered a legal marriage. Until the mid-1700s it was normal and acceptable for the bride to be pregnant at the nuptials, the later public ceremony for the marriage.


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Judging from your question, I don’t think you understand the OT at all. S, judging from your question, I don’t think you understand the OT at all. How does it fit into a planned life pattern or planned life story? It is vague and unplanned and chaotic – which has effects on people’s health and wellbeing. In fact God made a unilateral, unconditional, covenant with Abraham, passing through the divided creatures. Indeed he is the covenant keeping God, in Christ Jesus, as faithful obedient man and as faithful, everlasting, covenant -keeping God.


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The husband and wife grow a family and statistics today show that children fare better in this settled environment. The breaking of the physical bond is given by Jesus as the only reason for divorce. The rise of cohabitation and casual sex has a serious impact on individuals and society as a whole. Mark Regnerus, in his book Cheap Sex, notes that there used to be a kind of social contract; the price men had to pay for sexual intimacy was the commitment and security of marriage that women wanted. But with the rise of sex outside of marriage, men tend to get what they want, while women lose what they used to have. It has been shown that cohabitation is far less stable than marriage, and those who cohabit prior to marriage have a greater rate of marriage breakdown.

Whoever sleeps with another man’s concubine commits adultery. Thank you for your humility as well as honesty to admit the complete scope of tradition. Actually David had about 40 wives and 80 concubines as I recall. Solomon – not to be out done by dad – had about tenfold that number. Poor fellow evidently walked around in a continued frenzy…..

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