Dating In Your 50s Easy For Men Not So Much For Women!

If you eliminate all people who are either overweight and/or have some other sort of chronic health condition, you are eliminating 60 or 70% of possible partners. If you are talking about men over 50 years old, it’s approaching 75%.If you add in that the man has to be well off, you’ve just made the pool even smaller. At this point, you haven’t looked at everything else that might come into play, whether or not you can have interesting conversations, for example.

He told me he wants a woman that has dinner on the table and is educated. I had a college degree, my career was engineering sales. I waited four years before I dated again. Plus, I needed to process everything and there was A LOT! Had hired a private investigator, everything what I thought to be true was not. Realized what a Covert Narcissist was – no joke, certifiable.

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We know people in that boat 65 year old lady, who cannot travel with her less than healthy hubby. Guess that depends on what part of the country they are in. Women where I currently live and in their 50’s, most have it easier than single men.

If that’s the way you want it then that’s great. It will mean less trouble out there for us women in the dating scene to worry about. A lady like you who does not look a man’s money unfortunately is very very rare.

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Women over 50 tend to find the prospect perverted and simply tiresome. 55AliveGuy…….Your post has certainly been enlightening, along with those of several other men here. I am sorry you’ve had such negative experiences. At least in Southern California, women in their 50s with some education and any remaining health and attractiveness only seek men who are retired millionaires. What you are doing is a great idea.

Healthy eating and exercise keep your blood pressure down, your cholesterol down and your stress levels down. These, along with not smoking and drinking excessively, go a long way toward healthy hearts in 58-year-old men. Older women who ate a daily diet of 25 grams of fiber, and one-third of their calories from healthy fats like fish, nuts and olive oil, helped build their strength. The findings in the cycling study also apply to people ​who do any form of exercise​.

They have no business complaining. If they are single it is their own fault. There are many more men in their 50’s than women, as women are more likely to smoke and engage in unhealthy lifestyles.

I read your article twice just to make sure I had a handle on it. Here is my dating experience since my wife tossed me to the curb in 07. I’ve been in two long term relationships that were miserable.

I think most of us guys would disagree with that. I am 63 and I date women in their 30s and 40s. They take much better care of themselves and they are Interested in sex. The over-50 ladies talk a good game but after a while they don’t put out like they should. No thanks, I will stick with the younger ladies.

You must have some idea that you are not a catch for anyone. ” I have nothing against sex” is so much different from actually craving it … your statement makes it very clear … but we men already knew that so why we desire younger women. Regardless, to the guys contributing, thanks for your two cents.

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I really hope you find someone who isn’t selfish and who will respect you. Unfit, overweight, bitchy, demanding, nutty – all get you swiftly eliminated. Maybe in 10 years, but there are plenty of 39 year olds today who will be in your shoes in 10 years . If a man is genuine, respectful, and attentive, he deserves a chance.

So, as contemporary men are not offering a proper loyal partnership and companionship; it means that older women who are interested in a sexual liaison would also choose younger men. They would not choose an older man for physical attraction nor for sexual performance, nor for respect. These priorities are the wrong way around. I am 58 years old and think that the reason many men seek younger woman is that the perception is that as woman get older they have less interest in sex. For us older men who still have a strong sex drive and good functioning equipment that can be frustrating. Woman need emotional connection to stay connected.