Depression And Relationships: Can They Coexist?

Similarly, getting your partner motivated to engage in activities like walks and dinners is easier when you go along with them. Building a successful relationship with someone with mental illness is not impossible. But when both people struggle with mental illness, it can take a lot of work and commitment. Both partners need to give what they can to help their partners stay healthy. But both also need to be able to receive what they need to stay stable.

They may spend a lot of time crying

Your partner can help by taking on some of these needs themselves or helping you to take care of them. Be honest and open with your partner about how you’re feeling, and encourage them to do the same. This can help avoid misunderstandings and help your partner discover better ways to help you. It’s important to also consider and acknowledge your partner’s feelings. By prioritizing both of your individual needs, you can also put the needs of the relationship at the forefront to build a stronger, longer-lasting bond. Ultimately, in your efforts to protect yourself or avoid future pain, you may be sacrificing your mental health and your relationship.

This is not because they’re not trying hard enough or because they’re flaky, it’s because they are experiencing a painful psychological illness that compromises their functionality. Stay flexible and consider activities that are within their comfort zone. Instead of going out to dinner, have a nice meal at home. Instead of going to that party, stay in and watch movies. Sometimes they may simply not be up for socializing at all and need some alone time; try to be respectful of their needs without taking it personally.

Reads for Women

Would I date someone with mental health problems again? But they have to be diagnosed and take treatment seriously. Just like with any other health condition, I need my partner to be taking care of themselves and seeking care when needed.

In fact, learning how to understand and more effectively communicate with someone with anxiety can deepen your bond, and make for a more fulfilling and more intimate relationship. Don’t let an anxiety disorder stop you from pursuing a promising relationship. Dating someone with an anxiety disorder can be difficult, and you may find yourself having intense reactions to what is going on with your partner. Taking some moments to practice some self-care and empathy for yourself is vital. In your own mind, and as you are interacting with your partner, try to think of their anxiety disorder as something separate from them.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their best advice when dating someone with depression. How we communicate helps relationships get off on the right foot, navigate problems, and change over time. People with depression sometimes lash out and say hurtful things. You know they don’t mean them, but you can still choose to protect yourself by setting a boundary around unkind or derogatory language. It’s understandable to feel disappointed when they spend your long-awaited vacation scrolling through their phone while you see the sights.

This is why dating someone with depression can be stressful sometimes, especially for those who do not have personal experience with the illness. In this blog, I will be providing tips that will help you to better understand your partner, understand their depression symptoms and how to support them. There may be a lot you don’t think you understand yet, but I’m sure you are already well aware of how your partner’s feelings of hopelessness can cause you to feel hopeless about helping them. It can cause you to feel hopeless about the relationship at times, too, despite the enormous potential for love and happiness.

To best care for your partner, your relationship, and yourself, it’s a good idea to know and be able to recognize the symptoms of depression. Of course, being in a relationship with someone who’s living with depression may not feel like it was ever a choice. You may find yourself in a relationship not realizing that your partner has depression, or the depression may set in once your relationship has already started and catch you off guard. I dated someone who had unaddressed mental health problems, and in the end that’s what broke us up. I became an object of his obsession and I was the only thing in his life that gave him a will to live.

Advice on Dating a Depressed Person

In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues. It can take time to recover from a depressive episode — they won’t just snap out of it. At the same time, just accepting this is the way things are isn’t helpful either. So, try to exercise patience and continual encouragement toward things that are helpful and therapeutic.

However, it’s not your job to know the right things to say. Sometimes, the most valuable support you can offer is to listen without judgment. While nothing you say can “fix” your loved one or improve their mood, the language you use is still important. People who are depressed often feel ashamed or guilty. Depression may tell them that they are a burden on their friends and family or that they don’t deserve love.

Anxiety also isn’t something that they are adopting to be manipulative or to ruin plans. There are some tangible things you can do to create a “safe space” for a person who is experiencing anxiety. Many of us have an idea of what it means to have anxiety that may not be in line with what it’s actually like, so it can be helpful to get some clarity.